Final Results

Last Update : May 20, 2001

Team / Members Wins Ties Losses Points Current
Team 3 Greg Downs 7 3 2 119 Finalist
Skip Sieber
Team 4 Pat Lynch 7 2 3 118 Finalist
Mike Cohn
Team 5 Peter Haupt 6 3 3 116 3rd
Elliot Oronsky
Team 2 Rob Peason 6 1 5 111 4th
Marty Cutler
Team 6 Bill Peason 5 1 6 106 5th
Mitch Bisgeier
Team 7 Myron Rogow 3 1 8 93 6th
Otto Pinelli
Team 1 Steve Reichman 2 1 9 93 7th
John Powers

Results Against Each Team
==> Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7  Points
Team 1 14 17 12 20 12 18 93
Team 2 22 14 13 19 29 14 111
Team 3 19 22 17 19 19 23 119
Team 4 24 23 19 16 22 14 118
Team 5 16 17 17 20 19 27 116
Team 6 24 7 17 14 17 27 106
Team 7 18 22 13 22 9 9 93
Color Codes for Head To Head Tiebreakers
Ahead Green
Tied (with advantage) Light Green
Tied (no advantage) White
Tied (behind) Yellow
Behind Red

Team Match Play Playoffs
07-Aug <Peter & Elliot> vs. <Rob & Marty>
14-Aug <Peter & Elliot> vs. <Pat & Mike>
28-Aug <Greg & Skip> TIE <Pat & Mike>

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